T K - Reklam & PR & Grafik
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ReklamŞirketlerin reklam projelerini, ilan tasarımlarını ve pr planlarını hazırlıyorum. Uzmanlık Alanları
ÖzgeçmişOBJECTIVE My objective is to being a consultant or director in Media and PR world. I continue improving my communication skills, and want to have a job that I learn more and more about sector.
WORK EXPERIENCE 06/2013 – … Büyükkarcı Şirketler Grubu, İzmir – Advertising - PR / Graphical Design Responsible from corporate identity and catalog, projects, visual materials for brand knowledge, manage and promote the campaigns for every month.
09/2012 – 10/2012 Brisa Bridgestone Sabancı A.Ş, İstanbul – Marketing / Intern Responsible from market researches about which vehicle owner wants which speed class tire, talking with dealers which campaigns are suitable for them and making some brain storming with department about these issues.
09/2011 – 11/2011 Rafineri Advertising Agency, İstanbul – Strategic Planning / Intern Responsible from market researches about competitors and demands for them in shopping malls.
04/2011 – 06/2011 Rafineri Advertising Agency, İstanbul – Strategic Planning/ Intern Responsible from many researches about agency’s brands before preparing the ads and written some advertising ideas.
EDUCATION 2008 – 2013 Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul Business Administration – Major (%100 scholarship) Advertising – Minor
2004 – 2008 Bornova Anadolu Lisesi, Izmir French
CERTIFICATES, SCHOLARSHIP & AWARDS 2005 –2008 National Archery Competitions In every competition that organized in Turkey, I have 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree medals 2006 – 2008 International Archery Competitions (national team) 07 / 2007 Black Sea Games Individually 2nd, Team 1st 08 / 2007 European Championship Individually 1st, Team 1st 2008 – 2013 National Team Player Scholarship (840 TL each month) 2015 - … Photography Egesem 01.2015 - … Kurumsal İletişim Eğitimi (Certified) Kurumsal Kampus EETAC
11.2014 E-Ticaret ve Dijital Pazarlama Konferansı ETicaretSem
04.2013 Jumeriah Hotels – Marketing İstanbul Bilgi University
LANGUAGES English – Advanced Degree
French – Upper-Intermediate Degree
MS Office programs Adobe CS6 (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign) Wordpress GOOGLE SEO (learning process)
INTERESTS My main interest is travelling! Travelling interesting countries and learn about different cultures, sharing photos and my experiences on my social media profiles and now on my new website are more than a hobby for me. Creating new logos, reading some magazines about marketing and design such as MediaCat, Marketing Türkiye etc. and preparing new slogans and projects are some of my interests. Website : www.vopos.com
WEBSITES, SOCIAL MEDIA AND MANAGED ACCOUNTS I live with social media! I create funny and beneficial contents and visuals for it. My own and my company’s social media accounts that I manage are below;
https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=248364279&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic http://instagram.com/tutkukantoglu https://twitter.com/tutkukantoglu
http://www.buyukkarcigrup.com/ https://www.facebook.com/buyukkarcisirketlergrubu https://www.facebook.com/BuyukkarciSirketler?pnref=lhc PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth & Place : 16 / 07 / 1990 – Izmir Marital Statue : Single License : B class ReferanslarREFERENCES Turgay Büyükkarcı, Owner Büyükkarcı Şirketler Grubu
Şeyda Arık, Corporate Communications Consultant
Canan Pehlivanoğlu, Account Planner Rafineri Advertising Agency
Gürsel Cemal Önal, Labour Relations Specialist Brisa Bridgestone Sabancı A.Ş
Uzmanlık Alanları
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